Personal Profile
Mr Jaffe qualified from Cambridge University and Westminster Medical School. He then subsequently returned to Cambridge as a Tutor and Demonstrator.
Mr Jaffe began his training in General Surgery at Whipps Cross, Luton and Dunstable and Hammersmith Hospitals. He was awarded a Fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons to study liver blood flow and liver cell transplantation and was awarded a master of surgery thesis for this work.
Mr Jaffe continued in his academic research at the Hammersmith Hospital (under Professor L Blumgart) before returning to full time clinical surgery as a senior registrar at St Thomas’s (Professor Browse and Burnand), Addenbrooks (Professor Sir Roy Calne) and Oxford (Mr B Brittain and Mr Greenall).
Mr Jaffe’s final Senior Registrar appointment was at University College Hospital/Middlesex Hospital (Professor Taylor). He was appointed as consultant general surgeon with joint interest in gastrointestinal and breast surgery in 1996.
Mr Jaffe established the Chase Breast Unit in 1996 and set up the first multidisciplinary team at the Trust soon after. He operates across Chase Farm Hospital, Barnet and the Royal Free NHS Hospitals. Mr Jaffe runs weekly one stop breast clinics a The Kings Oak, Cavell and Hendon Hospitals.