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Meet our senior clinical team and the experts behind the scenes that keep our content in check clinically, factually and stylistically.
Whether produced in-house or with the help of external experts, all our content is researched using highly authoritative sources. Wherever appropriate, it is then reviewed by consultants or other experienced healthcare professionals.
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon and leading shoulder specialist Paul Manning joined Circle Health Group in 2005. Paul became Clinical Chairman of Circle Nottingham in 2014 and was appointed as Medical Director, Responsible Officer, and Director of Circle Hospitals in 2016, becoming Chief Medical Officer in 2020 when Circle acquired BMI Healthcare. His key focus in the role is driving the best possible outcomes and experiences for our patients.
Paul has previously held roles with the British Elbow and Shoulder Society and the British Orthopaedic Association, and he continues to work at The Park Hospital as an orthopaedic surgeon.
Peter James is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon with an international reputation for complex knee surgery, specialising in high performance knee replacements for active patients and difficult revision knee surgery. He lectures internationally on all areas of primary and revision knee surgery. He has been invited to perform live surgery both in the UK and abroad, and is visited regularly in Nottingham by other surgeons wishing to learn his techniques.
Peter has worked as a surgeon at Circle Health Group (and BMI Healthcare) hospitals for many years, and was appointed group medical director and responsible officer in 2021. He continues to practice at The Park Hospital in Nottingham as well as holding an NHS practice with Nottingham University Hospitals.
Nathan Kasivisvanathan has been Group Associate Medical Director and Deputy Responsible Officer at Circle Health Group since 2021. He is also a consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust where he has had a number of senior leadership positions. He is a board member of the Clinical Directors Network for the Royal College of Anaesthetists, and previously a co-opted council member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and a board member of the UK Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network.
Nathan has extensive experience as a senior leader in healthcare and has a proven track record of bringing innovation, service improvement and research into the health sector.
Adam Busby stepped into the Acting Group Clinical Director role in May 2022, accepting the role permanently in October that year. He had previously been Group Director of Clinical Performance and Practice since May 2021. Adam has overall responsibility for clinical governance, regulatory compliance, clinical practice, clinical performance/quality and patient safety across the Group as well as having overall professional responsibility for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals.
Adam is an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) by profession and has held senior leadership positions, both clinical and non-clinical, across the NHS and the independent sector.
They specialise in informative and accessible content that helps people to make informed choices about their health. Our useful health content conveys complex information in a digestible manner.
Whether it's a blog post or a treatment guide, our content team wants to give you all the information you need in a format that makes sense to real people.
Everything written by our external copywriters undergoes rigorous in-house checks, and all new clinical content is checked by at least one relevant expert.
Our expansive clinical team includes experts from a variety of disciplines, from radiographers to registered physiotherapists.
Our clinical content is guided by our clinicians, whether that means checking our copy or videos for medical accuracy, or providing the content itself. These are the experts we trust to keep things clinically correct and up to date.
Where possible, we've given a direct link through to the profiles of our expert reviewers.
Our editors have significant experience in the healthcare sector as well as other industries, and our editorial standards are as important as our clinical requirements.
Any statistics or the like are clearly referenced and linked to the source where appropriate.
In the case of all new content, and any content that falls outside of our in-house team's expertise, our editors reach out to a relevant expert for clinical review and guidance.
Pages are checked at least every three years to ensure that our clinical content is up to date and that we still think the content is serving our patients as it should.