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person trying to decide whether weight loss surgery is the right choice
By In-house Team, Circle Health Group

Is weight-loss surgery right for you?

We discuss weight-loss surgery, its procedures, benefits, risks, and alternative methods of weight management. Gain the knowledge to make informed decisions about bariatric surgery and whether it’s right for you and aligns with your personal health goals.

In recent years, the global issue of obesity has significantly risen, bringing along a tide of health risks such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Many people find themselves locked in a constant struggle with their weight, trying tirelessly to shed pounds through conventional methods like diet and exercise.

Despite the efforts, sometimes these traditional routes don’t lead to the desired results, leaving you feeling helpless and stuck. This is where weight-loss surgery could enter the conversation as a potential alternative. However, it's important to note that this route is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and a thorough understanding along with professional medical advice, is crucial to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Understanding weight-loss surgery

What is weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery)?

Weight-loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a procedure aimed at making changes to the digestive system to help you lose weight. These changes may help to limit the amount of food you can eat or reduce the absorption of nutrients, or calories, aiding in weight loss. Common types of weight-loss surgeries include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric band surgery.

Each has its unique procedures and advantages.

Gastric bypass

This procedure involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a large part of the stomach and the first section of the small intestine.

Sleeve gastrectomy

In this surgery, a significant part of the stomach is removed, leaving a banana-shaped section that's closed with staples.

Gastric band

A band is placed around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch above the band with a narrow opening to the rest of the stomach, thus limiting the amount of food consumed.

Who is weight-loss surgery for?

Eligibility for weight-loss surgery is usually determined by your Body Mass Index (BMI), a metric used to gauge whether you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on height and weight measurements.

Generally, weight-loss surgery might be an option if your BMI is 40 or higher, or if it is 35 or higher and you have diseases related to obesity, like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Other health factors and previous efforts to lose weight through diet and exercise plans are also considered by healthcare professionals when deciding if bariatric surgery is a viable option for you.

As this is a crucial decision that could significantly impact your life, a thorough consultation with a bariatric consultant is imperative to understand the risks, benefits, and lifestyle changes associated with weight-loss surgery.

It’s important to set realistic expectations and understand that individual results can vary, sometimes substantially, from average or typical outcomes.

Benefits of weight-loss surgery

Potential weight loss

Weight-loss surgery can often lead to significant weight loss. However, the extent of weight loss can vary widely from person to person, depending on various factors such as the type of surgery, your starting weight, adherence to dietary guidelines, and level of physical activity post-surgery. It’s important to set realistic expectations and understand that individual results can vary, sometimes substantially, from average or typical outcomes.

Improvement in obesity-related conditions

An added benefit of weight-loss surgery is the potential for improvement or even resolution of obesity-related conditions. For instance, bariatric surgery has shown to be effective in improving type 2 diabetes, sometimes even leading to remission.

Similarly, it can significantly impact high blood pressure, bringing it down to normal levels or reducing the need for medication. By shedding excess weight, you can reduce the strain on your body, alleviating symptoms and improving your overall health.

Enhanced quality of life

Beyond the physical benefits, successful weight-loss surgery can lead to substantial improvements in quality of life. Increased mobility, reduced pain, and better physical function all contribute to a more active and enjoyable lifestyle. Also, achieving and maintaining a significant weight loss can boost self-esteem and lessen feelings of depression or anxiety, facilitating overall mental wellness.

Risks and considerations for weight-loss surgery

Surgical risks of weight-loss surgery

Like any surgical procedure, weight-loss surgery carries risks. Common surgical complications include infections, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anaesthesia. Although these risks are generally low, they can be serious when they do occur. It’s crucial to discuss these potential risks with a healthcare provider to fully understand what the surgery entails.

Long-term risks of weight-loss surgery

Post-surgery, some people might experience long-term risks such as nutritional deficiencies. Due to alterations in the digestive system, absorption of essential vitamins and minerals might be compromised. Due to this, lifelong supplementation and regular follow-ups with a healthcare provider may be needed to monitor and manage any nutritional deficiencies.

Lifestyle changes after weight-loss surgery

Undergoing weight-loss surgery requires a lifelong commitment to certain lifestyle changes. Adhering to a nutritious diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and avoiding harmful behaviours like smoking are vital for maintaining the benefits of surgery and promoting overall health. Additionally, regular follow-up appointments and possibly engaging in a support group can be beneficial in staying on track.

Before considering surgical interventions, it’s essential to engage in a structured and sustained lifestyle modification program, which can lead to meaningful weight loss and improved health.

Alternatives to weight-loss surgery

Diet and exercise

The cornerstone of weight management remains a balanced diet and regular exercise. Before considering surgical interventions, it’s essential to engage in a structured and sustained lifestyle modification program, which can lead to meaningful weight loss and improved health.


For some, medications can offer a viable alternative to support weight loss and obesity management. Various medications can aid in weight loss, either by reducing appetite or by decreasing the absorption of fat. It's important to discuss with a healthcare provider to understand the benefits and risks associated with weight loss medications.

Support groups and counselling

Psychological support can play a significant role in the weight loss journey. Support groups, counselling, and behavioural therapy can provide the necessary foundation to address emotional and behavioural challenges associated with weight loss and maintenance. Engaging with a community or a professional can offer valuable insights, encouragement, and strategies to overcome.

Preparing for a weight-loss consultation

What to expect?

When preparing for a consultation at Circle Health Group, it’s important to know what to expect. The consultation typically begins with a comprehensive assessment, where a specialist will review your medical history, current health status, and discuss your weight loss goals and previous efforts. They may conduct a physical examination and possibly recommend some tests to better understand your health condition. This initial consultation is a stepping stone towards making an informed decision about whether weight-loss surgery is the right choice for you.

Questions to ask your weight-loss specialist

Preparing some questions for your specialist can ensure you get all the information you need to make an informed decision you are happy with. Here are some suggestions:

  • What are the different types of weight-loss surgeries available, and which might be suitable for me?
  • What are the risks and benefits associated with each type of surgery?
  • What kind of dietary and lifestyle changes will I need to make post-surgery?
  • What is the expected recovery time and what does the recovery process entail?
  • How will this surgery affect my existing medical conditions?
  • Are there any alternatives to surgery that I should consider?
  • What kind of ongoing support and follow-up care does Circle Health Group provide post-surgery?

These questions can help you create a detailed, personal discussion with your specialist, ensuring you are well-informed about the process before making any decisions.

Making an informed decision about weight-loss surgery

Choosing to undergo weight-loss surgery is a significant decision that requires thorough consideration and consultation with healthcare professionals. It's crucial to weigh the pros and cons, understand the lifestyle changes required post-surgery, and assess whether you're ready and able to make those changes.


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