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surgeon inspecting a knee after knee replacement surgery
By In-house Team, Circle Health Group

Knee replacement surgery: Brian’s story

Brian gives his knee replacement surgery experience at The Blackheath Hospital a 5* rating

Meet Brian Booth

Having travelled the world with the military and worked as chef at top-class events, including the London Summer Olympics 2012, Brian Booth knows a thing or two about excellent service. Brian has always had a very active lifestyle. He played football and worked long shifts on his feet for many years, which might have contributed to the development of osteoarthritis in both his knees.

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis occurs when the smooth cartilage (a tough, flexible tissue found throughout your body) across the surface of your joint(s) wears down over time. You'll sometimes hear it referred to as wear and tear arthritis, and it's more common the older we get. The wear and tear can make your joints very painful and stiff and can really reduce your mobility.

Regardless of your age, arthritis can be an immensely challenging condition, because it causes a range of distressing symptoms, including pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints. Without proper function and movement in your joints, simple activities like household chores, driving and shopping can become difficult to perform, which can have a direct impact on your emotional wellbeing as well as your physical health.

Everything you need to know about osteoarthritis

Brian's pain management plan

Brian's pain caused by osteoarthritis in both knees was severe and he needed a pain management plan to help him cope with his symptoms. He took regular medication for the pain and also received steroid injection therapy, as well as physiotherapy.

Steroid injection therapy

Also known as steroid injection therapy, this treatment involves injections of steroid medication (corticosteroid) into your painful knee joint. This can effectively reduce pain and inflammation in your knee, and the effects can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This form of pain relief may be recommended if you can't take oral anti-inflammatories for any reason.

Our steroid injection services at Blackheath Hospital


Brian also had physiotherapy to manage the pain in his knees.

Physiotherapy for joint pain comprises a specialist exercise programme designed to strengthen the muscles around your joints, improving mobility and – in taking the pressure of your joints - reducing your pain. It can be a highly effective treatment and many people see amazing results.

Discover more about physiotherapy at Blackheath Hospital

Everyone was so friendly. They were just gorgeous people!... I couldn't give Mr Punwar and his team high enough praise.

Brian Booth

Getting help at Blackheath Hospital

Although Brian's pain management plan helped him cope with his symptoms, he still experienced severe pain and a lack of mobility in both knees. With the pain getting worse, he was referred to consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Shah Punwar for total knee replacement surgery.

A total knee replacement involves removing bits of your knee joint that have become damaged and replacing them with artificial elements, also known as implants or a prosthesis. This removes the source of your pain, helping you to walk more easily and letting you get back to living life as normal.

Total knee replacement surgery at Blackheath Hopsital

After surgery with Mr Shah Punwar, Brian likened the procedure to "a five star plus hotel experience". He recalls arriving at Blackheath Hospital and going straight up to the ward. There, he was greeted warmly by his surgical team.

"Everyone was so friendly. They were just gorgeous people!" enthusess Brian. "When I went down for the surgery, the anaesthetist explained everything that was going to happen. The whole thing was so pleasant. I highly recommend Blackheath Hospital and I'm just so pleased with the results of my surgery. I couldn't give Mr Punwar and his team high enough praise."

Not squeamish, Brian was happy to watch his team perform the operation on his right knee under a spinal anaesthetic. "I was peeking over the screen to see what they were doing," he chuckled. The surgeon fitted the implant, then closed the wound with staples and a special surgical dressing.

My neighbours, everybody, couldn't believe I was walking so quickly when I got home.

Brian Booth

Brian is back to his usual active self

After the surgery when Brian was back in the recovery room, he enjoyed plenty of tea to get his blood pressure down. He recovered that night on the ward, already using a walking frame to move around and use the toilet, refusing any manual support offered by his nurses.

Keen to get home to get home to his girls (two beautiful black cats) Brian was determined to pass his early morning checks with his dedicated physiotherapist. He proved that he could walk with crutches and climb stairs quickly. He was given some pain relief medication and able to leave the hospital just 19 hours after his surgery began.

"My neighbours, everybody, couldn't believe I was walking so quickly when I got home," said Brian. He was already visiting the local shops and using uneven steps down to his garden to play with his two cats within days.

Now building up strength when walking, Brian feels no pain in his operated knee. The only evidence of the surgery is a very neat, straight line. Mr Punwar has been monitoring his progress in preparation for his second surgery, expected before the summer. Then, he is planning to go back to living in Tanzania in Africa with his beloved cats.


Book your consultation at Blackheath Hospital

If you would like to know more knee replacement surgery or book a consultation with a specialist at Blackheath Hospital, you can call our friendly advisory team for more details, or book an appointment with us online.

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