Personal Profile
Personal Profile
Miss Liu graduated from Cambridge University with a distinction in Clinical Medicine. During medical school she won a number of academic prizes and scholarships including the Health Foundation Scholarship.
She went on to specialist ENT training in London where she rotated through world-class hospitals including the Royal Marsden, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear and Great Ormond Street Hospitals, gaining tertiary level experience in head and neck, ear, nose and paediatric surgery.
Miss Liu teaches at both undergraduate and graduate level. She trains specialist registrars in head and neck surgery and coaches doctors approaching their fellowship examinations.
She has a particular interest in evidence based medicine and is a member of the Cochrane systematic review groups. The aim is to ensure what we offer patients is effective and tailored to their individual circumstances.
Her NHS practice is at London Northwest NHS Trust. She is the chair of the head and neck multidisciplinary meeting and the Rapid diagnostics lead, working to optimize complex clinical pathways to improve patient care.