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Hearing aid advice and fitting

Hearing aids can help you hear sounds better. We explain what to expect at your hearing aid consultation and how hearing aids are chosen.

Audiologist performs a hearing aid fitting for a patient
You’ll be given a short assessment by one of our expert audiologists. They will talk through your history before performing a standard hearing test and a tympanic pressure test (tympanometry).

Your audiologist will also perform an ear examination called an otoscopy to see whether the ear canals are free of wax and infection.

The hearing test has a behavioural element, where we ask you to press a button when you hear a noise and we record the results. Children from the age of three may be given play audiometry tests, where they react to sounds by placing a peg on a stick or a man in a boat.

A pressure test checks the middle ear and eardrum for fluid, which can cause glue ear (otitis media with effusion) that’s common in children, and hearing loss.

This and other middle ear conditions may mean seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon for further investigation. This can be done on the same day in the same place, because Audiology and ENT run a joint clinic and work hand in hand.

There’s no risk. These are standardised, painless tests with no discomfort at all. Our audiologists will sit next to you throughout the tests and get your consent beforehand.

Generally, 20-30 minutes is enough time for an assessment, including any tests.

There are no hard and fast rules about the size or type of hearing aid to have. Although many people prefer a discreet one, it’s not always possible. The bigger amplification provided by a larger hearing aid may be needed for severe to profound hearing loss.

So, to help you get the best from your hearing aid, our audiologists will look at:

  • What type of hearing loss you have;
  • Your degree of hearing loss;
  • How dextrous you are at handling smaller devices;
  • The size of your ear canal and
  • Whether you need one hearing aid or two.

You’ll be shown a range of premium, discreet digital hearing aids by our highly trained audiologists, many of which are not offered by the NHS. It may take a while to get used to a new hearing aid, but we’ll make sure you’re happy with the loudness and how good the fit is before you leave.

It’s not just about the hearing aid itself but who fits it and how they manage your needs after the fitting that matters.

We will follow up and make adjustments until you’re satisfied with the fit. We’re flexible about when you can see our audiologists and you’ll be seen quickly.

Another bonus is that you’ll see the one audiologist each time, allowing them to get to know you and your needs and preferences.

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