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Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

Get fast access to an ambulatory blood pressure recording, which measures your blood pressure over a period of 24 hours

Close up of a patient with a 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring device around their arm
Blood pressure describes the strength with which your blood pushes on the sides of your arteries as it is pumped around your body. An ambulatory blood pressure recording device records your blood pressure over a period of 24 hours, while you go about your normal day. 'Ambulatory' means while moving. You might also hear it referred to as 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.

How does ambulatory blood pressure recording work?

You will wear a cuff on your arm and a small box (monitor) on a belt around your waist while performing your usual everyday activities at home. This two-part device should also be worn when you sleep, but it shouldn't get in the way of your daily life, or prevent you from finding a comfortable sleeping position.

The cuff will inflate at certain intervals throughout the day and night in order to check your blood pressure, which it records throughout. The cuff inflating might cause some discomfort, but shouldn't be painful. Your consultant will show you how to wear the device properly, and how to take it off to shower.

What does an ambulatory blood pressure recording do?

The small device records your blood pressure over a 24-hour period. This data will be transferred to a computer and displayed electronically 24 hours later at your follow-up appointment. Your consultant will produce a report from the findings, and share this information with you in detail there and then. They will also build a treatment plan based on your needs found in the report.

The cost of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring with Circle Health Group starts from £173*

Our fixed-price packages include the cost of your test and all appropriate aftercare appointments. However, any pre-surgery diagnostic tests and your consultant’s outpatient appointment consultation fee are charged separately.

Our flexible payment options help you spread the cost of your payment across a time period that suits you. We offer fixed-term monthly payment plans over 10 months to five years with no deposit required. If you decide to pay over 10 months, you will pay interest-free. If you are paying for a longer period, you will pay 14.9% APR.

*This is a guide price for patients who are paying for their own treatment. The actual cost of your treatment will be confirmed in writing at the time of booking.

Blood pressure monitoring is usually used to monitor and manage high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), which can be caused by a number of factors and conditions, including:

  • Poor diet
  • Alcoholism
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Genetics

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring can:

Confirm a diagnosis of hypertension

An ambulatory blood pressure test is one way of confirming a diagnosis of high blood pressure (hypertension). Because the blood pressure cuff takes your blood pressure readings every hour at night as well as during the day, it can give a more accurate picture of your blood pressure than a single reading can.

Help with early diagnosis of a heart condition

Blood pressure monitoring gives your doctor a fuller, more in-depth view of your blood pressure over longer period of time, helping them identify patterns of elevated blood pressure and diagnosing conditions such as diabetes or kidney problems.

Help track your treatment for an already diagnosed condition

Blood pressure monitoring can often show whether lifestyle changes or treatment for an already diagnosed heart condition is making a difference to your blood pressure.

Help you understand your heart health

Self-monitoring can make you more aware of your blood pressure and how it changes in response to various factors, such as exercise or poor sleep. This understanding might motivate you to take better care of your heart health by incorporating lifestyle changes when necessary.

Combat white coat hypertension

Blood pressure monitoring is useful for people who experience something called white coat hypertension. This occurs when your blood pressure is higher when tested at your GP service than in other settings (such as your home) due to anxiety. Blood pressure monitoring offers your doctor a more accurate representation of your blood pressure.

There is no specific preparation needed for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, but your consultant might ask that you avoid caffeine or alcohol 24 hours before and during the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.

Your consultant will ensure you understand how to wear the monitor at home, and how to take it off to bathe or shower and put it back on again afterwards. They might also ask that you keep a diary of your symptoms over the 24-hour period to compare with the results of the recording.

Your consultant is there to answer any questions you might have about ambulatory blood pressure monitoring before you have the test. They will be able to explain the test in detail during your initial consultation and ease any concerns you might have. 

Your results will be stored in the monitor. A report of these results will be produced and assessed at your follow-up appointment after 24 hours. You will be able to discuss the findings with your consultant in detail there and then at your follow-up appointment. 

After analysing the results, your consultant will be able to determine if you have any heart rhythm problems, heart conditions, or symptom triggers. They will provide you with detailed information about the results and what these mean, as well as sharing treatment options and advising which treatment might work best for you.

Do you have a recovery period?

There is no recovery period following ambulatory monitoring. You might have some discomfort across your arm where the cuff has tightened and released periodically over the 24 hour period, but this will resolve over the course of a day or two. You will be able to return to your normal daily activities on the same day as having your monitor removed and your results analysed.

Your treatment plan

Your consultant will work with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to build you a tailored treatment plan based on the findings of the blood pressure report. This might involve several follow-up appointments, medication, or surgery. Or, it could be tailored advice on recommended lifestyle changes to improve your heart health. Every person we see is given a personalised care plan built around their individual needs.

At Circle Health Group, we offer a range of treatment options for heart problems, including:


Angioplasty, also referred to as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), uses a small inflatable balloon to widen or unblock your artery. It can improve blood flow to your heart and reduce angina (chest pains). Your surgeon will also insert a stent (a metal mesh shaped like a tube) to ensure your artery remains open.

A coronary artery bypass

During this surgery, an incision will be made at the front of your chest. A blood vessel will be removed from a vein or artery in another part of your body. Your surgeon will attach this blood vessel to your coronary artery below or above the blockage. This improves your heart’s blood supply by diverting blood flow from clogged or narrowed arteries.

Catheter ablation

Ablation involves passing small tubes into your leg’s vein through which catheters (fine wires) are passed. These can then travel through your veins to your heart, allowing your cardiologist to locate the source of your problems. Radiofrequency energy (heat) or cryotherapy (freezing) is used to identify and remove the tissue in your heart that is causing problems. This in turn creates scar tissue, which can prevent an irregular heartbeat by blocking excess electrical signals that could cause problems. 

A pacemaker 

A pacemaker works by constantly monitoring your heart rate. It sends electrical pulses to your heart to ensure it beats at the correct speed and regularly. It can be inserted into your heart through a vein under your collarbone.

Find out more about the cardiology treatment options we offer at Circle Health Group.

There are no risks associated with blood pressure monitoring over a 24-hour period, because it is not a procedure, but a test to record and monitor your heart health.

As mentioned above, you might have discomfort across your arm after removing the cuff, but this should resolve naturally. 

When you choose to go private with Circle Health Group, you can expect:

  • Flexible appointment times and locations to fit your routine
  • The freedom to choose which hospital and consultant suit your needs
  • Personalised, consultant-led treatment plans tailored to your individual needs
  • Comfortable and safe private facilities maintained by expert multidisciplinary teams
  • Support by the same compassionate clinical team from beginning to end
  • Affordable, fixed-price packages with aftercare included
  • Flexible payment options to help you spread the cost of your care

If you would like to learn more about this procedure, book your appointment online today or call a member of our team directly on 0141 300 5009.

Content reviewed by Circle in-house team in June 2022. Next review due June 2025.

Blood pressure

We speak with Dr Nelson Amaral, consultant cardiologist, at Clementine Churchill Hospital, about everything you need to know about blood pressure.

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