Private weight loss surgery in Chertsey | Runnymede Hospital Skip to main content

Weight loss surgery and treatments in Surrey

Private treatment to help you reach a healthy weight at The Runnymede Hospital in Chertsey 

Obesity describes somebody who is overweight with a lot of body fat. It is a common condition in the UK, affecting both children and adults.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a well-known way of using your height and weight to calculate if you are carrying excess weight. While it can be a helpful tool, it is an imperfect one as it doesn’t account for your age, gender, or the amount of muscle you have. So, while we can use it as a guide, we will always take other factors into account too.

Generally, a healthy BMI is said to be between 20-25. A BMI of 30+ qualifies as clinically obese, while a BMI of more than 40 is classed as morbidly obese. Any form of obesity increases your risk of developing more serious health conditions in the future including high blood pressure, heart problems and joint problems.

Many of us will experience fluctuations in weight during our lifetimes:  we may put on a bit of extra weight whilst on holiday, or during the winter months when cooler temperatures and earlier nights often result in us being less active.

Although short-term weight gain is not usually a cause of concern, if you carry excess weight for a longer period of time, it can significantly impact your health, vitality and quality of life.

Weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) can lead to significant weight loss and in turn improve many health conditions, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. There are also some newly developed non-surgical options that can help you to reach a healthy weight, which again can help your overall health. At the Runnymede Hospital in Chertsey, our weight loss surgeons provide a range of both surgical and non-surgical options to help patients lose weight safely and return to a healthier lifestyle.

The Runnymede Hospital is in the historic town of Chertsey in Surrey. People come to us for weight-loss treatment from all over Surrey, including Addlestone, Weybridge, Byfleet, and West Byfleet. We also welcome patients from further afield and even overseas.

To arrange a consultation with a specialist to learn more about weight-loss treatments, give us a call or use our easy online booking system.

There are many factors that can lead to obesity, including:

  • A sedentary (physically inactive) lifestyle
  • Unhealthy eating habits 
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain diseases 
  • Certain medications such as steroids and antidepressants
  • Family history of obesity

Remember, contributing factors to obesity are very complex and in most cases it will be a combination of factors that have led to being overweight. 


Although surgery can help to remove excess weight, it is important not to treat it as a ‘cure’ all by itself - the most successful and effective obesity treatment combines:

Lifestyle changes

Making dietary changes like eating healthier food and less of it, as well as increasing physical activity, will usually be a requirement of booking weight loss surgery. Bariatrics is not about quick fixes but instead it’s about allowing you to have a healthy lifestyle.

Weight-loss medications 

Certain medication may help to promote weight loss, or to suppress appetite but this should always be monitored by your consultant.

Weight-loss (bariatric) surgery

This treats obesity by limiting the amount of food the stomach can hold or the absorption of food.

Three main types of surgery can help significant weight loss:

Gastric band surgery

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) uses an adjustable band to separate your stomach into a smaller upper pouch and a larger lower pouch. By adjusting the band, food intake is restricted, leading to steady weight loss. This procedure is done laparoscopically (keyhole surgery).

Gastric sleeve surgery

A sleeve gastrectomy reduces the size of the stomach by stapling or removing part of it. With a smaller stomach, less food is absorbed.

Gastric bypass surgery

In gastric bypass surgery, a small pouch is created at the top of your stomach. This pouch is then connected to your small intestine, so that food moves directly into it, filling you up with less food and meaning you’ll absorb less food as a result.


At The Runnymede Hospital, we also offer a revolutionary new gastric pill balloon that doesn't require any surgery, endoscopy or anaesthesia.  It helps patients to lose approx. 10 – 15% of body weight in 16 weeks and then to maintain the weight loss longer term afterwards.

The swallowable gastric balloon is inserted during an outpatient procedure, which means you don’t have to stay overnight in hospital.

During the procedure, you will be asked to swallow a special balloon, which is then filled with water once in your stomach.  Once full, the balloon remains in the stomach, where it reduces the space available to store food and increases the feeling of being full.  After about 16 weeks, the balloon naturally empties and automatically passes out naturally.

Because you feel fuller and your stomach has reduced space, you should not be able to eat as much as usual, and your appetite should be significantly reduced. As mentioned, people typically lose 10-15% of their weight during the 16 weeks that the balloon is in their stomach.

When you come to The Runnymede Hospital for your initial appointment, your consultant will evaluate your medical history, discussing any concerns you have, and then carry out a physical examination, which will include:

  • Measuring your weight and height (to calculate your BMI)
  • Measuring the circumference of your waist
  • Taking blood tests.

Once your BMI has been calculated and your consultant has talked with you in detail, they will be able to explore all the weight loss options with you.

Effective weight loss treatment is always a collaboration between you and your consultant, and we offer bespoke treatment plans for every person, ensuring you always receive the best treatment for you.

During this first meeting your consultant will also talk you through the lifestyle changes you will need to adopt in order to achieve long-term weight loss and to stay healthy after your surgery. For example, you might need to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals at first while your diet is very restricted. And they will often request that you lose some weight on your own before having treatment.


You can expect to receive full support from a specialist team of bariatric surgeons, support nurses and dieticians, as well as a tailored aftercare package that suits your needs.

When you visit The Runnymede Hospital for your weight loss surgery, you will also benefit from:

  • Personalised care – We believe in a tailored approach to weight loss treatment. Your Consultant will ensure that any treatment you receive, including weight loss surgery, is the correct one for you. They will oversee every aspect of your care, from initial assessment through to treatment and post-treatment follow-up. If you have any queries or concerns at any time, it is easy to arrange another appointment with them
  • An experienced team – Your Consultant has quick, easy access to on-site specialists in other fields. The multidisciplinary team on-site means you will always see the most appropriate person for your condition at every stage
  • Innovative treatments – In addition to ‘standard’ weight loss surgery, the swallowable gastric balloon provides an effective and safe treatment for weight loss
  • Convenient appointments – Weight-loss appointments are available throughout the week and are easy to book online or by telephone. We can also offer remote consultations by telephone or video call if required and where clinically appropriate, making it even easier to access the help you need
  • Flexible payment options  to help you spread the cost of your treatment.

If you are worried about your weight and would appreciate expert guidance from a consultant at The Runnymede Hospital,  book your appointment online today or call a member of our team directly on 0808 296 4602.

Specialists offering Private Weight Loss Surgery

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