Personal profile
His leadership delivered safe, efficient and high-quality service for the patients. He led development of the Endoscopy training programme at the Trust and as Faculty Lead, organised Endoscopy training courses for consultant colleagues. He designed and implemented the training program for all gastroenterology and surgical trainees across the Trust, to ensure provision of high-quality training that meets the needs of future consultants.
Dr Khalid is an accredited bowel cancer screening endoscopist, and delivers the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) across Manchester. His endoscopy performance is amongst the best in the region. He is also the Educator and Development Lead for the NW Endoscopy Training Academy; his role involves leading the development of the training programme for current and aspiring bowel cancer screening endoscopists from across the North West.
Dr Khalid is the Lead for the Complex Polypectomy Service at Pennine Acute Hospitals. He leads a team of some of the most highly-skilled endoscopists in the country. He performs complex endoscopy treatment for large polyps, using highly specialised skills of EMR and ESD techniques. He also trains consultant colleagues from other regional hospitals to help them develop advanced endoscopy skills.
He is a National Clinical Assessor for the Joint Advisory Group (JAG) for endoscopy. His role involves visiting endoscopy sites across the country to assess their performance and quality standards, helping to identify areas for improvement to increase quality within endoscopy departments.
Before moving to Manchester, he worked for 6 years as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where he had been Clinical Lead for Endoscopy and Gastroenterology. He led several initiatives which resulted in service development at the Trust, including developing the GI bleed endoscopy on-call system, establishing the Bowel Scope Screening at Warrington Hospital and developing a new Endoscopy Unit at Halton Hospital. He was also the Training Lead for GI Endoscopy for all medical and colorectal endoscopist trainees. Dr Khalid developed various local pathways and protocols for management of gastroenterology conditions, which are still in use at Warrington Hospital.