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The type of treatment you're offered depends on the type and stage of your stomach cancer, plus your overall health.
Your stomach is an organ in your digestive system. It helps to mix and break down your food so it can be digested and nutrients can be absorbed. After a couple of hours, the partly digested food in your stomach moves into your duodenum – the first part of your small bowel. Here, the nutrients are absorbed into your body. The remaining waste moves to the large bowel where it's turned into faeces (poo).
Normally, the cells in your body are replaced in a co-ordinated way. The cycle of cells growing, dividing and dying is a complex but orderly one. However, if you have stomach cancer, the cells in your stomach grow and multiply in an irregular way. They become less able to do the job they are supposed to and so the affected organ stops working properly.
1 Cancer Research UK, Stomach cancer risks and causes
2 Cancer Research UK, Stomach cancer risks and causes
3 Cancer Research UK, Stomach cancer risks and causes
Adenocarcinoma of the stomach
More than 95 out of 100 stomach cancers are adenocarcinomas. This means that the cancer started in the stomach lining's gland cells.
Squamous cell cancers
Squamous cells make up your stomach lining. This type of cancer is treated the same as adenocarcinomas.
Lymphoma of the stomach
This very rare form develops in the lymphatic tissue that drains away fluid and helps to fight infections.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST)
These rare tumours develop in the muscle or connective tissue of the stomach wall.
Neuroendocrine tumours
These tumours grow in the tissues that produce hormones in your digestive system.
Stomach cancer is caused when cells in your stomach change. What causes these cells to change isn't understood, but there are certain risk factors that are linked to an increased chance of developing stomach cancer. Risk factors include:
Some medical conditions can also increase your risk of getting stomach cancer these include:
Lots of these symptoms can be signs of other health conditions. But it's important that you see your doctor as soon as you notice them. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to treat.
Your doctor may refer you to a consultant gastroenterologist (a doctor who specialises in the digestive system) for further tests. At Circle Health, we have a team of expert consultants who can help to diagnose and treat your condition.
Your doctor will want to examine your tummy to feel for any tenderness or a lump. They'll also ask you about your general health and symptoms. You may also need further tests, in which case you'll need to see a consultant gastroenterologist.
At Circle Health, your consultant gastroenterologist may run tests including:
TNM staging system for stomach cancer4
After your tests, your consultant will tell you what stage your cancer is at by looking at a sample of your cancer cells under a microscope. This describes the spread of your cancer and will influence the type of treatment you're offered.
The most commonly used system for stomach cancer is the TNM system.
Number stages of stomach cancer5
Sometimes, the number system will be used to describe the stage of your stomach cancer.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3 (locally advanced stomach cancer)
Stage 4 (advanced or metastatic stomach cancer)
For more information about each stage, please read Cancer Research's article about the stages of stomach cancer.
4 Macmillan, Staging and grading of stomach cancer: TNM staging system
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5 Macmillan, Staging and grading of stomach cancer: Number staging system
Cancertypes/ Stomach/Symptomsdiagnosis/ Staginggrading.aspx#DynamicJumpMenuManager_3_Anchor_1
The type of treatment you're offered depends on the type and stage of your stomach cancer, plus your overall health.
f your stomach cancer has been diagnosed at an early stage, it may be possible to remove it with surgery.
If you can't have surgery to remove the cancer, you might still need surgery to help to relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life. This might involve using stents to help any blockages in your stomach. If your cancer has caused a blockage at either the entrance or exit to your stomach, you might need to have bypass surgery to get rid of the blockage so you can eat and drink.
You might need chemotherapy to treat your stomach cancer. This can be given before surgery to help shrink the tumour and make it more operable. Alternatively, you might need it after surgery to help prevent the cancer from returning. Depending on how advanced your cancer is, you might need chemotherapy to help shrink the cancer, slow its growth or relieve your symptoms.
If you have a stage 2 or 3 cancer, it's likely that you'll need chemotherapy before and after surgery to help prevent the cancer from coming back.
It's quite uncommon to use radiotherapy to treat stomach cancer, but it is sometimes used with advanced stomach cancer to help relieve symptoms like bleeding.
Biological therapy is sometimes used to treat advanced stomach cancer. It's more commonly used to treat breast cancer, but it's effective against some stomach cancers. Some cells from your tumour will be tested to see if they produce the protein human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). If they, do this might be an effective treatment for you.
You'll have regular check-ups following your treatment. How often and for how long depends on the kind of treatment that you had.
At follow-up appointments, your consultant will ask how you're feeling and examine you. You might also need blood tests, a CT scan or ultrasound, or a combination of these tests.
If you're worried or spot any new symptoms between appointments, you should tell your consultant as soon as you can.
You have two options to pay for your treatment – your costs may be covered by your private medical insurance, or you can pay for yourself.
Check with your private medical insurer to see if your diagnostics cost and treatment is covered under your medical insurance policy.
If you are paying for your own treatment the cost of the procedure will be explained and confirmed in writing when you book the operation.
Ask the hospital for a quote beforehand, and ensure that this includes the surgeon's fee, the consultant radiologist's fee and the hospital charge for your procedure.
If you'd like to read more about stomach cancer, treatment or living with stomach cancer, please visit