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A non-surgical option to treat varicose veins
The most common place for varicose veins to appear is on your legs. Some people will not experience any pain or discomfort with varicose veins in the leg, while others will find their varicose veins affect them more severely.
Treatment for varicose veins ranges from the conservative - for example you might wear compression stockings - to the surgical. If you are looking to minimise or remove your varicose veins, whether because you have complications or simply are uncomfortable with the way they look and feel, laser treatments can be a very successful option.
At Circle Health Group, we offer a wide variety of private varicose vein treatments. Our consultant vascular surgeons can help you to explore your options and decide if laser treatment is the right choice for you.
To speak to one of our specialists, call or book online today and you could have your initial consultation within as little as 48 hours.
Laser treatment can be highly effective for many people, however it is not appropriate for every patient or performed at every Circle hospital. Your specialist will discuss whether this procedure is suitable for you and, if not, they'll talk you through all the alternatives.
If you choose to have your varicose veins removed by laser treatment, the main benefits compared to traditional surgery include:
Before they start the procedure, your consultant will use a portable ultrasound machine to scan you in order to identify and mark the position of the targeted vein where it meets your groin. They will then identify the best place in the vein to make an incision (a small cut), which might be in the knee or lower, depending on where the varicose veins are. They'll then make a small incision at the lower end and a catheter will be passed up inside the vein.
Once the catheter is in the right place, a laser probe is then passed up the catheter to your groin. Local anaesthetic is injected around the vein to numb the area, ease any discomfort and provide a liquid barrier to protect the leg.
As the laser probe is removed, short bursts of energy are used to seal the vein. After the probe and catheter have been removed, the incision is stitched, and the leg is bandaged to reduce swelling and bruising.
Varicose vein laser treatment procedure usually takes between 45 and 60 minutes for one leg.
If you have only had one leg treated, you should not need to stay very long in hospital and may be able to go home a few hours after receiving treatment. Remember, you will not be able to drive home after the procedure.
You should be able to get back to normal after a couple of days following varicose vein laser treatment, though you should continue to wear the bandage for five to ten days.
Varicose veins may come back years later, but most patients stay varicose vein free following treatment. It is possible to re-treat varicose veins if they return.
If you would like to see a consultant or learn more about treating varicose veins, book your appointment online today or call a member of our team directly.
Content reviewed by Circle in-house team in February 2023. Next review due February 2026.