St Edmunds Hospital
St Mary's Square, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AA DirectionsPhone
Opening hours
Mon - Sun: 24 hours
Visiting hours for Inpatients are from 9am to 7pm.
Car parking
Parking available
Quick and easy access to our team of private gynaecologists
What is Gynaecology?
Gynaecology is a term used to cover the physiology and area of medicine of the female reproductive system. The Gynaecology service at St Edmunds Hospital provides expert assessment, diagnosis and treatment for women over the age of 18 years old.
*We do not see ladies under the age of 18 years old at this site.
Some of the reasons you may need to see a Gynaecologist are:
Pain / discomfort
Problems related to Periods
Menopause / Perimenopausal Symptoms
Uro-gynaecological issues
Our expert Gynaecologists can also help regarding the following conditions.
If you have any new or unexpected symptoms in and around your pelvis or abdomen, it can be sensible to get help from an expert.
At St Edmunds we have two Gynaecologists who you can book in with.
Ms Maria Vella - also specialises in Uro-Gynae.