ENT Services In Worthing | GorIng Hall Hospital Skip to main content

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery in Worthing

Expert assessment and treatment for Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) conditions

Discover premium Private ENT Services tailored for your well-being. Our skilled specialists offer discreet and personalised care, addressing a spectrum of ear, nose, and throat concerns. Our team serve patients from Worthing, Pulborough, Horsham, West Sussex and further afield. Elevate your health with our confidential consultations and advanced treatments. Your comfort and health are our top priorities.

ENT problems can be complex and cause significant pain, discomfort or limitation of activity. At Goring Hall Hospital we offer outpatient clinics with consultant ENT Surgeons for diagnosis and treatment. 

Should surgery be required, the hospital has 3 main theatres 2 of which have been installed with laminar flow (clean air filter system).  The waiting times for surgery are minimal, so your treatment can start at your convenience.  

At Goring Hall Hospital we have consultants with specialist expertise in the full range of ear, nose and throat conditions. This means that you will receive highly skilled treatment, no matter what your symptoms or concerns may be. 

Common ENT conditions include sinusitis, ear infections, hearing loss, allergies, throat infections, nasal congestion, and tonsillitis. Our specialists are well-equipped to diagnose and treat these issues, ensuring your optimal ear, nose, and throat health.

Welcome to our Private Sinus Surgery Center. Our expert team specialises in advanced and discreet sinus surgical procedures tailored to your individual needs. Experience personalized care, cutting-edge techniques, and a commitment to your well-being. Discover relief from sinus issues with our confidential and comprehensive surgical solutions. Your journey to improved sinus health begins here.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat chronic sinusitis and other sinus-related conditions. It involves the use of an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera, to navigate and remove blockages or inflamed tissue in the nasal and sinus passages. FESS aims to restore normal sinus drainage and improve breathing, often resulting in reduced symptoms and enhanced quality of life for individuals with chronic sinus issues.

Explore our Tonsillectomy Service for a specialised and compassionate approach to resolving recurrent tonsil-related issues. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalised care, utilising advanced techniques for a smooth and comfortable experience. Trust us for confidential consultations and comprehensive tonsillectomy procedures designed to enhance your overall well-being. Say goodbye to persistent tonsil problems and hello to a healthier you.

What are tonsils?
Tonsils are small glands located at the back of the throat. The purpose of the tonsils is to fight infection. Sometimes the tonsils can become painful or infected making it difficult to swallow. Other symptoms are swelling which can affect breathing. If these symptoms are recurring or become more severe then your doctor may recommend a tonsillectomy which is the surgical removal of the tonsils.    

What happens during a tonsillectomy?
During a tonsillectomy, the surgeon removes the tonsils, which are the two small masses of tissue located at the back of your throat. The procedure is typically performed under general anaesthesia. Using specialized instruments, the surgeon carefully removes the tonsils while minimizing impact on surrounding tissues. Tonsillectomies are often recommended for recurrent infections, chronic tonsillitis, or obstructive sleep apnea. After the surgery, a period of recovery and follow-up care is essential for a smooth and successful outcome.

Welcome to our Private Myringotomy Service, where ear health meets personalised care. Our expert team specialises in this minimally invasive procedure to relieve pressure and address fluid buildup in the middle ear. Experience fast access to private consultations, advanced myringotomy techniques, and a commitment to your well-being. Trust us for comprehensive and confidential care, ensuring optimal ear health. Take the first step towards clearer hearing and a healthier future with our specialised myringotomy services.

Typical symptoms that may lead to considering a myringotomy include:

  • Recurrent Ear Infections: Frequent and persistent ear infections that don't respond well to other treatments.
  • Fluid Accumulation in the Middle Ear: Symptoms may include hearing loss, ear pain, and a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear.
  • Chronic Otitis Media: Prolonged inflammation of the middle ear, which can lead to issues like persistent fluid or recurring infections.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's crucial to consult with an ear, nose, and throat specialist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate recommendations.

What does myringotomy surgery involve?
A myringotomy is a surgical procedure where a small incision is made in the eardrum to relieve pressure caused by fluid accumulation in the middle ear. This is often done to treat conditions like recurrent ear infections or to address issues with fluid drainage. In some cases, a tiny tube may be inserted into the incision to facilitate drainage and prevent fluid build up. Myringotomy is a common procedure, to improve ear health and prevent complications associated with persistent ear fluid.

Welcome to our Private Grommet Insertion Service, your pathway to optimal ear health. Our expert team specialises in this minimally invasive procedure to address recurrent ear infections and persistent fluid accumulation in the middle ear. Experience discreet consultations, advanced grommet insertion techniques, and personalised care designed to enhance your hearing and overall well-being. Trust us for comprehensive and confidential services, ensuring a brighter, clearer future for your ear health. Take the first step towards improved hearing with our specialised grommet insertion services.

What are the common symptoms?
Grommets, or tympanostomy tubes, are small tubes inserted into the eardrum to alleviate symptoms associated with conditions like chronic ear infections and persistent fluid in the middle ear. The presence of grommets can help improve various symptoms, including:

  • Reduced Ear Infections: Grommets often lead to fewer and less severe ear infections
  • Improved Hearing: Enhanced drainage of fluid from the middle ear can result in improved hearing, especially in cases where fluid accumulation was causing hearing loss.
  • Decreased Ear Pain: Grommets help equalize pressure in the ear, reducing the pain associated with fluid buildup.

If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent ear issues, consulting with an ear, nose, and throat specialist can help determine whether grommets are a suitable solution.

What happens during the procedure?
During a grommet insertion procedure, also known as tympanostomy tube placement, the following steps typically occur:

  • Anaesthetic: The procedure is often performed under general anaesthetic especially in children, to ensure comfort and cooperation.
  • Incision: A small incision is made in the eardrum (tympanic membrane) to access the middle ear.
  • Fluid Drainage: Any accumulated fluid in the middle ear is suctioned out.
  • Grommet Placement: A tiny tube, often made of plastic or metal, is inserted into the incision in the eardrum. This tube helps ventilate the middle ear and allows for ongoing drainage, preventing fluid build-up.
  • Closure: In most cases, the incision in the eardrum heals naturally, and the grommet eventually falls out on its own.

The procedure is relatively quick and is designed to provide relief from recurrent ear infections and address issues related to fluid accumulation in the middle ear.


Welcome to our Nasal Polyps Service, where breathing becomes effortless. Our specialised team offers advanced solutions for nasal polyps, focusing on personalised care and optimal outcomes. Discover fast access to consultations, cutting-edge treatments, and a commitment to your nasal health. Trust us for comprehensive and confidential services, ensuring relief from nasal congestion and improved breathing. Take the first step towards clear, unobstructed airways with our dedicated Nasal Polyps Service. Breathe freely and live comfortably.

What are the associated symptoms?
Nasal polyps are growths that develop in the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses. Common symptoms include:

  • Nasal Congestion: Persistent stuffiness or blockage in the nose.
  • Runny Nose: Chronic or recurring rhinorrhea (runny nose), often accompanied by postnasal drip.
  • Reduced Sense of Smell: Nasal polyps can impact the sense of smell.
  • Facial Pressure or Pain: Discomfort in the face, particularly around the eyes or forehead.
  • Snoring or Sleep Apnea: Nasal obstruction may contribute to snoring or sleep disturbances.
  • Frequent Sinus Infections: Increased susceptibility to sinus infections. 

If you're experiencing these symptoms, consulting with an ear, nose, and throat specialist is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of nasal polyps.

What happens during nasal polyp removal surgery?
Nasal polyps removal surgery, also known as endoscopic sinus surgery, typically involves the following steps:

  • Anesthesia: The procedure is often performed under general anesthesia for patient comfort.
  • Endoscopic Approach: The surgeon uses an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera, to visualize and access the nasal and sinus passages.
  • Polyp Identification: The surgeon identifies and assesses the nasal polyps.
  • Polyp Removal: Using specialized instruments, the surgeon precisely removes the polyps while preserving surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Sinus Cleaning: If necessary, the sinuses are thoroughly cleaned to remove any additional obstructions or infected material.
  • Closure: In most cases, there is no need for external incisions as the procedure is performed entirely through the nostrils. The incisions inside the nose typically heal naturally.

Nasal polyp removal surgery aims to improve breathing, alleviate symptoms, and reduce the likelihood of polyp recurrence. Post-surgery, patients may experience improved nasal airflow and a reduction in associated symptoms.


Welcome to our thyroid disease services in Worthing, where personalised care meets optimal thyroid health. Our specialised team is dedicated to diagnosing and managing a range of thyroid conditions. Experience discreet consultations, advanced diagnostic techniques, and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Trust us for confidential and compassionate thyroid care, ensuring your well-being and peace of mind. Take the first step toward thyroid health with our expert thyroid disease services. Your journey to balance and vitality starts here.

Thyroid diseases can manifest with various symptoms, depending on whether the thyroid is overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism). Common symptoms include:

Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid):

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Cold intolerance
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Muscle weakness
  • Constipation
  • Depression

Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid):

  • Weight loss
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Sweating and heat intolerance
  • Tremors in the hands
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Frequent bowel movements

Thyroid diseases can also lead to other symptoms such as changes in menstrual patterns, hair loss, and swelling in the neck (goiter). If you're experiencing these symptoms, consulting with a healthcare professional is essential for proper diagnosis and management.

Welcome to our snoring services in Worthing, where peaceful nights and refreshed mornings begin. Our dedicated team specialises in personalised solutions for snoring, addressing the root causes to ensure restful sleep for you and your loved ones. Experience discreet consultations, cutting-edge diagnostics, and tailored treatment plans designed to eliminate or reduce snoring. Trust us for comprehensive and confidential snoring services, bringing harmony back to your sleep. Start your journey to quiet, rejuvenating nights with our expert Snoring Services. Sleep well, live well.

Common reasons for snoring

Snoring can result from various factors, and common reasons include:

  • Nasal Congestion: Blocked airways due to nasal congestion can lead to snoring.
  • Sleep Position: Sleeping on your back may cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of the throat, contributing to snoring.
  • Obesity: Excess weight, especially around the neck, can put pressure on the airways and cause snoring.
  • Age: Aging can lead to a natural relaxation of throat muscles, increasing the likelihood of snoring.
  • Alcohol and Sedatives: Consuming alcohol or sedatives relaxes the muscles in the throat, promoting snoring.
  • Sleep Apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops periodically during sleep, is a common cause of snoring.
  • Anatomy: Certain anatomical factors, such as enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum, can contribute to snoring.

Identifying the specific cause is crucial for effective snoring management. If snoring is persistent and disruptive, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying factors and explore suitable solutions.


There are many benefits when you go private with us, including:  

  • Consultant-led care with a specialist of your choice  
  • Skip the waiting list with fast access to treatment, usually within just 48 hours
  • Consistent care from the same multidisciplinary team of experts throughout  
  • Bespoke treatment plans based around you  
  • Fixed price packages with aftercare included  
  • Flexible payment options to help you spread the cost of your care  

Ready to begin your healthcare journey with us? 

To get started, book your initial appointment with us, call us on 01903 867478 or book an appointment online.  

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