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Dr Samantha Hunt

Consultant Dermatologist


Practises at: Sarum Road Hospital


Personal Profile

Dr Sam Hunt graduated in Medicine at the Royal Free Hospital she completed general medical training at Guys hospital and specialist dermatology training at St Mary’s and the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London. She is a full time NHS consultant for Hampshire Hospitals NHS trust and leads the department in Winchester. 

Dr Hunt has broad experience in all areas of general dermatology and specialises in inflammatory skin disease running the psoriasis and biologics service. She also leads the local skin cancer service. Dr Hunt is a keen educator and is involved in teaching and training of students, nurses, GP and Dermatology colleagues.

Clinical Interests

  • Inflammatory skin disorders including psoriasis, acne, eczema, rosacea, drug rashes and pruritus. I run the psoriasis and biologics service in Winchester.
  • Experience in vulval and penile dermatology
  • Sun damage, skin cancer and pre-cancer and undertake surgical procedures for the diagnosis and management of these conditions. I lead the local skin cancer team and I am a member of our skin cancer multidisciplinary team. I undertake skin checks and mole screening
  • Experience in the management of benign skin lesions including moles, cysts, lumps and bumps
  • Education and teaching and run a teaching forum for GP doctors with an interest in dermatology, and also speak frequently at their training and education days

Professional Memberships

  • General Medical Council
  • British Medical Association
  • British Association of Dermatologists (medical, surgical, contact dermatitis, photobiology, cosmetic group)