Personal Profile
Dr Nisar is a dual-specialist Consultant who has completed training in both Rheumatology and General Medicine. Following completion of his training and education at both Cambridge and The Royal College of Physicians in London, he now works as a Consultant Rheumatologist and Physician at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where he is also the Director of Research and Development.
As part of his role Dr Nisar acts as Lead Clinician for the award winning early arthritis service and drives research on biologic therapies and inflammatory arthritis associated with lung diseases. Since qualifying he has been involved in more than 60 clinical trials, has authored over 100 publications and has presented at numerous international conferences. He is also a member of various rheumatology research panels and advisory boards worldwide.
In addition to his clinical work and research Dr Nisar is Department Lead for GP education, regularly providing lectures for the CCG and medicine optimisation teams, as well as arranging bi-annual sessions for primary care physicians. He acts as mentor for professionals’ postgraduate training including extended scope physiotherapists, general practitioners and specialist nurses.
Dr Nisar lives in Bedford with his wife and two daughters and during his spare time he likes to volunteer with local charities, providing career guidance to local youth groups and health education to the public. He loves travelling, learning about different cultures and is also a keen quizzer – indeed he has won several medical quiz shows over the years.
Dr Nisar holds regular clinics at the Manor for insured and self-pay patients and will see patients without a referral letter. To book an appointment please call us on 01234 364252.
Awards & bursaries:
- Luton Clinical Excellence Award Level 7 2019
- British Society of Rheumatology Commendation prize at National Best Practice Awards 2018
- Luton Clinical Excellence Award Level 4 2017
- EULAR Bursary award for oral presentation 2017
- RCP John Glyn Bursary for service to research 2016
- BSR EULAR congress bursary for poster presentation 2015
- Luton Clinical Excellence Award Level 1 2015
- IOF Conference bursary for abstract presentation 2014
- CRN Research Nurse funding award 2013 (ongoing)
- Luton Runner up for community health provision award