Personal profile
He is particularly dedicated to offer oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery to his breast cancer patients, which entails removing cancer and providing immediate or delayed breast reconstruction. He also counsels and offers risk reducing surgery to women that have a genetic predisposition to developing breast cancer, i.e. those with BRCA gene mutations. Furthermore, he has a dedicated interest in breast cosmetic surgery, such as breast uplift, reduction and augmentation, and male breast reduction surgery.
Mr Gvaramadze aims to provide very individual and compassionate care to each patient he sees. He graduated in 1999 from Riga Stradins University in Latvia and continued his postgraduate training in Breast Oncoplastic and Reconstructive surgery at the Royal Marsden and Royal Free Hospitals in London, as well as in the European Institute of Oncology in Milan and Paris Breast Centre.
In 2008 he was appointed as Consultant Breast Surgeon to Lincoln County Hospital with special interest in Breast Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery and since 2009, has had private practice privileges at The Lincoln Hospital.