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Egg donation is a procedure that harvests eggs from suitable donors to help another person to have a child.
Egg donors should:
When enough follicles have developed to an appropriate size, an injection of human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG: a peptide hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the embryo soon after contraception and later by part of the placenta) is given late in the evening. This leads to ovulation 40-42 hours later and egg collection is timed to take place 36 hours after the hCG injection. The procedure may be performed under local or general anaesthetic.
A needle is guided along the probe through the vaginal wall and into the ovary. Each follicle in turn is punctured and drained of the fluid it contains. The embryologist examines this to determine whether an egg is present.
On average eggs are retrieved from about 80 per cent of mature follicles. The eggs recovered will be inseminated using sperm provided by the recipient’s partner or donor. Those that fertilise will be cultured in the embryology lab.
Possible complications:
This is not a definitive list and symptoms will vary with each patient. Please ask your consultant for more information.