Women's Health Matters: do you have any of these 10 conditions?
We share expert information about 10 common gynaecological conditions suffered by millions of the women in the UK, as well as the range of treatment options that we have for each
The fact that gynaecological or women's health conditions are often poorly understood can result in significant waits for diagnosis and often limited diagnostic testing. More work can always be done to raise awareness of women's health and continue this needed conversation.
Women's Health Matters Report
We have put together reports to share information about the 10 most common gynaecological conditions in the UK. These reports are based on the survey responses of more than 10,000+ women currently battling a gynaecological condition. We share intricate healthcare journeys, coping methods and candid, first-hand portrayals of what living with a women’s health issue is really like. We also cover:
- Insightful, honest commentary by our body of specialist consultant gynaecologists, Wellbeing of Women charity members and Consultant Trustee of The Vulval Pain Society
- Information about what to look out for, diagnostic testing and effective treatment options for each condition
- Links to trusted support networks across a range of conditions
- Expert insight shared by Wellbeing of Women, ground-breaking research charity and advocate for increased awareness of women's health. We partnered with Wellbeing of Women to produce this series of reports
If you have been diagnosed or believe you may have any of these 10 conditions, don't suffer in silence. Our reports share valuable insights about what it's like to live with difficult gynaecological symptoms, tips on how to get a diagnosis and access the treatment you need, plus advice on how to manage our symptoms day to day.
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women in the UK and takes an average of seven and a half years to be diagnosed.
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women in the UK. One of the biggest issues with it is that it is very difficult to diagnose and takes an average of seven and a half years to be diagnosed. Endometriosis causes severe pelvic pain, pain during sex and often infertility. These are just some of the many symptoms of endometriosis.
Download Women's Health Matters: Endometriosis Report
Adenomyosis also affects 1 in 10 women in the UK. According to the NHS, adenomyosis can also take years to diagnose. The condition causes heavy, painful or irregular periods and severe pelvic pain. These are just some of the many symptoms of adenomyosis.
Download Women's Health Matters: Adenomyosis Report
Interstitial cystitis
According to The Urology Foundation, interstitial cystitis (IC) affects approximately 400,000 people in the UK, 90% of which are female. IC is often diagnosed through process of elimination, which can take a long time, causing feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion. IC has many symptoms, including severe pelvic pain, as well as frequent urination and urgency.
Download Women's Health Matters: Interstitial Cystitis Report
It is not clear exactly how many women suffer from vulvodynia in the UK. However, the National Vulvodynia Association states that that as many as 16% of women in America suffer from the condition. According to studies sourced by the NVA, 60% of affected women consult three or more doctors before receiving a diagnosis. The condition causes many symptoms, including a constant painful burning sensation in your vagina, as well as pain during sex.

One study by The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BJOC) suggests that 1 in 10 women find sex painful. Vaginismus can take a long time to diagnose because it is often overlooked as being natural “nerves” experienced before sex. Vaginismus causes your vagina to tighten before penetration due to intense fear of pain, making sex unusually challenging and painful.
Download Women's Health Matters: Vaginismus Report
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Studies show that around one in 10 women suffer from PCOS. There is no definitive diagnostic test for PCOS, so it can take time to diagnose through process of elimination. PCOS causes excessive hair growth and weight gain, which can take an upsetting toll on your self-confidence and body image.
Download Women's Health Matters: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Report
Ovarian cysts
According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, most women will be unaware that they have an ovarian cyst(s), because they are often asymptomatic. However, up to 1 in 10 women may need surgery for an ovarian cyst at some point in their lives. If you do have symptoms, you will likely experience pelvic pain, pain during sex and unusually heavy periods.
If you’re currently battling the distressing symptoms of a gynaecological condition, then you’re not alone.
Uterine fibroids
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, most women will develop one or more uterine fibroids during their reproductive lifespan. Cystic fibroids can lead to heaviness and pressure across your pelvic area. If left untreated, cystic fibroids will continue to grow.
Download Women's Health Matters: Uterine Fibroids Report
According to John’s Hopkins Medicine, the symptoms of dysmenorrhea may “look like other conditions or medical problems”. This can make it difficult to diagnose. If you suffer from dysmenorrhea, you will likely experience excruciating period pain during your period and painful stomach cramps before, during and after your period.
Download Women's Health Matters: Dysmenorrhea Report
Pelvic organ prolapse
According to NICE, in primary care in the UK, 8.4% of women reported a vaginal bulge or lump, and on examination prolapse is present in up to 50% of women. If you’re experiencing pelvic organ prolapse, you will likely feel pressure and heaviness across your pelvic area.
Download Women's Health Matters: Pelvic Organ Prolapse Report
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How do I book an appointment?
If you're concerned about symptoms you're experiencing or require further information on this subject, talk to a GP or see an expert consultant at your local Circle Hospital.